Matthew L. LaMountain

An Experienced Litigator

When deciding what attorney to hire, a key factor to consider is how much experience the lawyer has in conducting jury trials. Hiring a former prosecutor with extensive trial experience will assure that you have hired an attorney that understands the unique process of a trial.

About Matthew LaMountain

Matthew L. LaMountain

RI Criminal Defense Attorney

Choosing an attorney is an important step in protecting yourself and your legal rights. There are major stakes at play. A potential criminal conviction including possible jail time. A criminal conviction can ruin your life, job and future.

Free Consultation

Choosing the right DUI Lawyer

As a practicing attorney and former prosecutor, I have handled hundreds of DUI’s and Breathalyzer Refusal cases. As an experienced Rhode Island DUI and Refusal attorney, I will review your case to look for any oversights by the arresting department due to the technical nature of these cases.

Schedule a FREE Consultation


Proven Results

Third Offense Domestic - Dismissed

Client was charged with two separate Violation of No Contact Orders (3rd offense) which is a felony and requires at least One Year In Jail! Case was reviewed and several legal arguments were made and the cases were completely dismissed and removed from the client's record. Client was able to resume their job and move forward with their life!

DUI Over .15 Dismissed and Sealed

Client failed Field Sobriety Tests and submitted to a breathalyzer. Results of that test were over .15 BAC. I was able to get the Entire Case Dismissed based upon  several legal arguments. Client never lost their license, case was sealed from their record, as if this had never happened!



Additional Practice Areas

Personal Injury Attorney RI


Personal Injury

Suffering an injury can dramatically alter your way of life. An injury can cause financial, emotional and physical turmoil in your life.

Call for a free Case Consultation 401-699-8601

Family Law Attorney RI


Family Law

Seeking an attorney for a family law matter such as Divorce, Child Custody or Child Support is often a troubling time in your life. Hiring an experienced litigator who will protect your rights and fight for you is a must.

Free Family Law Consultation

Expungement Law


Expungement Law

You may be eligible to expunge a felony conviction if you are a first time offender. You may also be eligible to expunge multiple misdemeanor offenses.

Read More about Expungement Law